You’ll hear it over and over again at Roar Talent Recruitment. Move out to Bulgaria! The chances are if you are reading this article that you fall into one of a few categories.
Table of Contents
ToggleYou are either a candidate looking to boost your career with jobs in Bulgaria, perhaps an English speaking job, or even a German Speaking job in Sofia. Whichever way, you are seeking validation on if it’s the right choice to make.
Alternatively, you could be a prospective client of ours and considering moving operations to Bulgaria and don’t know where to start.
Maybe you don’t fall into any of these categories at all and just want to see what we have to say about Bulgaria.
Yesterday, a friend of the company (and client!) sent us a video from InvestBG which summarises and validates any reason you could possibly have to want to be here. It’s damn right comprehensive!
If you live in Sofia already or are from Sofia, I challenge you to NOT feel proud after viewing this.
Let’s elaborate on some of the points made in the video with our handy breakdown:
Connectivity to the World
1. Connections To the Middle East And Russia.
Well, first of all, let’s take a look at a picture of where Bulgaria is positioned on the globe as they didn’t mention the fact it’s connected in more ways:

Bulgaria is smack bang in middle between EU, EFTA, Russia, Asia, and the Middle East
Now if that doesn’t give you a strategic advantage to gaining access to a massive portion of the world, then who knows what will! Logistically, operationally, commercially – all of it makes sense to be connected to these places. Near enough global domination is possible from this relatively small but super smart country.
2. Consistently In The TOP 10 for Internet Connection Speeds In The World.
Yup! We wanted to check this fact ourselves and at the time of writing this we headed over to to check for ourselves and it checks out. Currently, Bulgaria is a pretty impressive number 7 in the world for speed behind only South Korea, Qatar, China, UAE, Netherland, and Canada. Guess these smart people need a fast way to get the message across!
Economy, Costs & Tax
3. Low operation costs.
First, let’s look at the salaries. If you are based in Malta, you can use Malta Salary to help you do the math on what you are paying staff at the moment or respectively, compare your salary, either way, you’ll see that the end result is that salaries are lower in Sofia. Candidates, I hear you screaming that this a bad thing right? Nope! Not at all. When you are looking at salary, don’t just look at the numbers. If you are smart, you’ll do some research on the cost of living. We swear by Numbeo for this. The cost of living and the quality of life in Bulgaria is significantly better for all concerned.
This is also true for operational costs including utilities, internet (super fast as we have established!), dining out, the works. I mean, there are not many places that you can get a beer for €1.54 these days are there?
4. Bulgaria has a booming economy.
Tricky one to write about now given the threat of Covid-19 Coronavirus. No-one really knows what will happen as a result of that and that isn’t exclusive to Bulgaria by any means.
5. Corporate tax 10%
Yes, you read that correctly. Super low corporate tax makes Bulgaria super attractive. Consider for a minute that there is only one EU state lower than this. Cost savings here can be astronomical for many companies choosing to set up camp in Bulgaria. Especially if you compare to France for example with 34.4 CIT. Insane!
6. Smart People

Very true claim. You only need to speak to one to realize this. Or, check with Mensa. Back in 2006, they rated Bulgarians to be the second smartest nation second only to Israelis.
7. Bulgaria Ranks 3rd In the EU for IT Professionals Per Capita And 10th In The World
According to Cisco… Point number 6 backs this stat up. As a result of the highly trained staff, the end result is a high proportion of IT professionals. This all makes sense, after all, who is going to keep the strong tech industry going if not these guys? Some massive companies have already made the move to Bulgaria such as William Hill, Playtech, Huawei, Samsung, Tide, Sky, Ubisoft, Epic Games.. the list is growing all the time!
Smart cookies indeed!
It would be a shame to not shamelessly plug our recruitment services at this point so check out our latest tech jobs on the jobs board. Search for the jobs in Sofia and land your perfect role.
8. 1 in 2 people speak one other foreign language
Since I moved to Sofia in 2018, I have tried to figure out what it is that gives Bulgarians this natural affinity to learn new languages. They pick them up way faster than most people would do. Like freakishly fast! My theory is that with their language being quite a tough Slavic language, whatever part of their brain they use to learn the language as a child is expanded. That might even explain their smarts!
Well, whatever the reason, you will be sure to find someone who speaks your language without looking too far.
This is why a lot of companies will choose to recruit language jobs here in Bulgaria. (Yes, that was another shameless plug!)
Industry in Bulgaria
9. Software development growing 30% year on year

OK, so I think that we have covered this enough. Loads of smart people = higher IT professionals = more tech jobs = more development growth year on year. Nothing else to add here!
10. Bulgaria keeps 90% of the European cars moving
Bulgaria has been outsourced to tons of manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes, Renault, Nissan, Audi, Ford, Porsche, Tesla, and tons of smaller companies. Where would you be without the Bulgarians!? The amazing thing about this industry as well as the tech industry is that it just keeps growing and growing!
Culture & Heritage
11. 14 centuries of cultural heritage

You are never too far from some real history around Bulgaria. Sofia has buildings from the Ottoman Era, Plovdiv from even further back along with the Black Sea towns of Burgas and Varna. If you love your history, you will never be short of stories here! For example the story of Khan Kubrat which is a personal favorite of mine! Tempted to move to Bulgaria yet? OK.. read this next one!
12. Stunning natural beauty
While it is granted that it’s super cool that the cities have all the mod-cons that you would want. Sometimes, you just want to get away. It’s quite rare to find a location that has such stunning beauty as outlined here in the collection of Ivo Nikolov. You’ll find everything in Bulgaria, mountains, beaches, city-ness(?). Take your pick, you are spoiled for choice.
50% of the land in Bulgaria is fertile, arable, and with having all 4 seasons in perfect measures, you’ll never complain about it being too hot or cold for too long!
Let’s sum this up, Bulgaria regardless of the city you move to is in a strategic location, has a vibrant economy, stunning nature, vivid culture, talented people, forward in technology. You really should move to Bulgaria. Simple!
If you are looking for the next place to move to, come on over! We can help you find the job you want and deserve!
If you are looking to move your business over here, come on over also!! Get in touch with us to help with staffing your move to Bulgaria.
Join the next hub to be taking off in the EU. The consequence of this will be you will be glad that you did.
Or… To quote InvestBG – “Move to be moved”
This article first appeared on Roar Talent